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What is a life cycle?


All living things have life cycles. Life cycles tell us how living things reproduce, ensuring that the cycle continues. 


These cycles are predictable for each species - the same events will occur in the same order each time. 


The video below has more information!





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Let's get started!


Today you will become a Biologist - a scientist who studies living things. 


Your task, to think about the question:


"What is a life cycle and what can affect a life cycle?".


This unit will help you: 


  • Understand what a life cycle is. 

  • Make comparisons between animal and plant life cycles

  • Recognise and predict the effect of environmental influences (and think about the effect of our actions)

  • Be able to predict the life cycle of animals and plants



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What next?


On each page you will find a different life cycle to explore. You can choose to either use Show Me, Padlet (or similar) to create/draw your life cycles or a word processor program  to write a description. You can do as many cycles as you wish.


As you go through your quest to become a Biologist there are questions to think about. These will help you complete the worksheet. You can either print the document or leave it open in word and print at the end. 


There are also a fun interactive games to try - some you need to click on the link while others form part of these pages!


By the end you will be able to call yourself a Biologist!


Good luck!

What affects a life cycle?

Before you learn more about individual life cycles, what do you think could affect a life cycle?



Margarita Delgado. (2010, November 9). Living things: life cycles [video file]. Retrieved

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